Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hi - does anyone visit Ryan's blog anymore? If you do, please post a note and we'll continue to post updates.

Ryan is doing very well. He has had some neuro-psych tests done and has tested extremely high in most areas. (The testing weighs him against males across the country that are his age and education level.) The doctors are amazed. It's interesting -- most areas he tested extremely high and the few areas he didn't test well in his scores were extremely low, so there are a few things he'll need to work on. He is back at school this semester carrying a full load and is looking for a job. He managed to pass his classes last semester and finish all the work to complete the classes and receive a grade for those we had taken incompletes in when he had the accident.

We are so relieved he is doing so well and is getting back to the life he had before.

Please, if you are reading this - post a note to Ryan. He'd enjoy it.

Thanks for checking back here and for your kindness and support.
Love, Debi

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hello Everyone,

We've recently run into several people we don't see on a regular basis and they've encouraged me to post to the blog.

Ryan is doing FANTASTIC and is a testimony to all your love and support. He's been given a clean bill of health and has moved back to Orange County. He's been life guarding for a couple weeks already!

Ryan says he's noticed memory issues, but sometimes if someone fills in the blanks or describes a past event, he'll have a vague memory of what it is or say "oh yeah - I remember that now."
He is concerned about going back to school and what he'll be able to remember. He has also lost his sense of smell. He can still taste things, but I think his taste is a little diminished - he can now tolerate really "hot" salsa!

A couple weeks ago he had the opportunity to speak to two assemblies at a local middle school. Ryan was the entire program. He shared a short video of his accident, then pictures of himself in the hospital, pictures of friends who visited and two slides with statistics on brain injury from the Brain Injury Association of America's website. He stressed the importance of wearing a helmet and the middle schoolers were mesmerized. The presentation lasted about 20 minutes, and then was open for questions. Hands shot up to ask questions from - "Why did they have to freeze the bone flap". Which Ryan explained "Well, it's just like chicken - if you leave it out, it will go bad". To questions like - "Are there other ways someone can get a brain injury?" He has received letters of thanks from some of the middle schoolers and they all say his presentation really made an impression on them - they will wear their helmets from now on.

It seems so long ago since this "bump in the road" began, but it's really been a short 6 months.
It is a miracle that he's still with us and again I thank each and every one of you for your friendship, love, prayer, support, and encouragement.

With much love and gratitude,

Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday, March 31

Well, we've let you all know previously, the party tomorrow is weather permitting...

We've decided, we're partying come rain or come shine!!! As of early Thursday, there was only a slight chance of rain here, so we decided to proceed. The reports are not as positive now, but the food is bought and we're committed. Please come help us eat it all up. God will shine down on us no matter the weather, so please come on by and help us celebrate!

See you tomorrow....
Love, The Lindroths

Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday, March 27

Hello to all our dear friends,

Ryan is doing remarkably well. He's gone to the gym with his dad, swam in the alumni swim meet Saturday, goes out with friends and is rapidly getting his life back. We are astounded as we watch him gain stamina and his ability to be independent again. He is completely off all medication and has had no significant problems getting off them.

This Saturday at 2pm is our big Thank You Party. We are in full swing getting ready for your arrival. The weather report this morning was clear skies for Saturday, and this evening they are saying possible showers. Because we'll be outside, if it is raining, we'll have to postpone. We're praying for a beautiful day and evening.

Have a great week, and see you Saturday!

Much love, The Lindroths

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thursday, March 16

Good Morning!

Wanted to report how well Ryan is doing. We went to the doctor Tuesday and he had the staplels removed. The incision is healing nicely and Ryan is feeling good. Although he had a bit of a headache yesterday, he had gone 5 days without any headache at all! What an answer to my prayers (and I know you have been praying right along too.)! As a mother, it's so hard when you know you're child is hurting and there isn't much you can do for them. What a relief and miracle when after 3 months of constant headaches to know life IS possible without headaches.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone on the 1st. Please let me know if you need directions.

Much love, Debi

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Saturday, March 11

Hi Everyone,

It's been a few weeks since we've updated you and several of you have called to check in.

Ryan is getting better and better each day. I'm happy to report the swelling is down completely, he's finally feeling good and beginning to gain back the weight he's lost. The last time he was sick was the ride home from the hospital two weeks ago. (What tremendous answers to prayer!) Tuesday we'll see the doctor and get his staples removed. He's anxious to get back to his life again as soon as possible. He has some laps in memory and we're hoping that will improve as he gets off all the meds and feels even better.

We are hopeful you will be available to celebrate Ryan's recovery with us and to allow us to personally thank you for your love and support.

Saturday, April 1st at 2pm until ???

Please call or email for directions.

Much love,
The Lindroths

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday Night, February 24

Can't believe it - We're HOME!

Today when I arrived, Ryan was sleeping and his left eye was swollen shut. He had a clear liquid breakfast tray next to him and I could see he'd had some jello, juice, and a liquid instant breakfast. When he woke up he said his pain was less than yesterday and wanted to go home. Instead of the pain level being a 9 or 10 his pain was down to a 5 or 6. His doctor was pleased to see he was motivated to get off the intravenous meds and take them orally - which is a critical step to getting to go home. He made it through the afternoon and evening without getting sick and he ate a little lunch and a few bites of dinner so they let him come home.

He is quite tired and he looks a little like the Disney cartoon character for The Hunchback of Notre Dam with the swollen left side of his head and swollen shut left eye. He got sick from the car ride home from the hospital, but I'm hoping that will improve as the swelling goes down and hopefully the pain decreases even more.

Thank you for your prayers. They've worked wonders - we're done! Wow - it's been a long road! Now it's just the work of healing and getting back to his ol' self.

We are planning a party to celebrate Ryan and to celebrate YOU - our wonderful friends. Yes, you - all of you. The party will be Saturday, April 1. I think we'll start around 2pm and party 'til we drop. Hope you all can come so we can personally thank you for all you've done.

Love and thanks from the bottom of my heart,

Friday Morning, Feb. 24

Yesterday was long and late so I wasn't able to let you know how Ryan is doing until this morning.

He is still in considerable pain and throwing up. It is a bit baffling to the doctor. They have changed his pain medication several times and finally put him on a pump he can control so he doesn't have to wait for medication from the nurse. The left side of his head is swollen and his left eye was getting puffy and looked like it might close. The night nurse said he slept fairly well through the night and hasn't thrown up. She did have to give him extra medication for break through pain a few times.

He will not be coming home today. They won't release him until he can take medication orally and keep food down.

Please continue your prayers. It's hard seeing him in so much pain.
Thank you! We love and appreciate you all so much,