Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hi - does anyone visit Ryan's blog anymore? If you do, please post a note and we'll continue to post updates.

Ryan is doing very well. He has had some neuro-psych tests done and has tested extremely high in most areas. (The testing weighs him against males across the country that are his age and education level.) The doctors are amazed. It's interesting -- most areas he tested extremely high and the few areas he didn't test well in his scores were extremely low, so there are a few things he'll need to work on. He is back at school this semester carrying a full load and is looking for a job. He managed to pass his classes last semester and finish all the work to complete the classes and receive a grade for those we had taken incompletes in when he had the accident.

We are so relieved he is doing so well and is getting back to the life he had before.

Please, if you are reading this - post a note to Ryan. He'd enjoy it.

Thanks for checking back here and for your kindness and support.
Love, Debi