Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday Night, February 24

Can't believe it - We're HOME!

Today when I arrived, Ryan was sleeping and his left eye was swollen shut. He had a clear liquid breakfast tray next to him and I could see he'd had some jello, juice, and a liquid instant breakfast. When he woke up he said his pain was less than yesterday and wanted to go home. Instead of the pain level being a 9 or 10 his pain was down to a 5 or 6. His doctor was pleased to see he was motivated to get off the intravenous meds and take them orally - which is a critical step to getting to go home. He made it through the afternoon and evening without getting sick and he ate a little lunch and a few bites of dinner so they let him come home.

He is quite tired and he looks a little like the Disney cartoon character for The Hunchback of Notre Dam with the swollen left side of his head and swollen shut left eye. He got sick from the car ride home from the hospital, but I'm hoping that will improve as the swelling goes down and hopefully the pain decreases even more.

Thank you for your prayers. They've worked wonders - we're done! Wow - it's been a long road! Now it's just the work of healing and getting back to his ol' self.

We are planning a party to celebrate Ryan and to celebrate YOU - our wonderful friends. Yes, you - all of you. The party will be Saturday, April 1. I think we'll start around 2pm and party 'til we drop. Hope you all can come so we can personally thank you for all you've done.

Love and thanks from the bottom of my heart,


At 4:29 PM, Blogger Irene said...

That is so awesome to hear! Thank you for keeping us updated. You all continue to be in my thoughts as you go into this last stage of recovery.

Love, Irene


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