Saturday, December 03, 2005

Email sent 11/30/05

It's Wednesday night - the end of the second full day in the hospital. Seems like it's been a week already! Today was status quo. We were hoping for a better day, but the timing for his healing is not up to us.The swelling in Ryan's brain has not increased, but hasn't gone down yet so he's still disoriented, answers questions with funny answers and goes in and out of sleep - probably due to the pain medication. He was in a lot of pain today - especially in his neck, so they sent him for an MRI. The results were good - just swelling of the neck muscles - like whip lash. No problems with the bones or the spinal column - thank you Lord! We're just having to be patient while Ryan's body heals. It's not fun though and as most of you know - you'd take the pain on yourself if you could give your child relief.

We are overwhelmed with all the love, prayers and kind wishes you have sent Ryan's way. Thank you. Please keep praying - we know it's helping him.

Much love,


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