Saturday, December 03, 2005


I apologize for not letting you know yesterday what is going on with Ryan. Yesterday was a very bad day. I received a phone call yesterday-Friday at 4:30 AM from his neuro surgeon. He told me Ryan had stopped breathing again so they had to sedate him and put him back on the ventilator. Fortunately I had decided to stay at my sister-in-laws in Irvine, so I was able to be at the hospital right away. Eric and Cameron had gone home to San Diego and Lauren to her home in Dana Point. It would be awhile before they could get here. When I came into his room, they had a new machine with a probe running into his brain -just under the skull giving them a reading on the pressure the swelling in his brain was causing. The reading then was 20. Most people have a reading of about 6 to 12. Dr. Beemer - his neuro surgeon came in and checked on him and wasn't pleased with that number. They said if it didn't go down they were going to have to do a craniotomy -removing part of the skull to release the pressure his swelling brain was causing. If they didn't, he wouldn't survive the day. Dr Beemer left for only about 20 - 30 minutes and when he returned, Ryan's number was up to 24. He told the nurse "we're going to have to do an immediate craniotomy - call down to O.R. and tell them to set up an emergency operating room - we've got to get this taken care of now!"

Ryan has had a portion of his left skull (over the ear - but within the hairline) taken out so his brain has a place to go while it's in this swollen state. Shortly after the surgery Dr. Beemer came in with a big grin on his face and said his number was down to 2! We all rejoiced! He said this was a better response than he had anticipated and was pleased Ryan was responding so well. Throughout the remainder of the day and last night, Ryan fluctuated between about 8 and 30. When it gets that high, they give him medication to take the swelling down. Apparently when Ryan first had his injury, there must have been a time when he didn't get enough oxygen to his brain which is what is causing apoptosis - meaning lack of oxygen to the cell - which causes cell death. In Ryan's case, because this seems to have happened and we don't know for how long, it's a wait and see as far as how many cells die. As the cells die, the brain swells. If too many cells die - well you can imagine what that means.

Ryan at this moment (I'm writing you Saturday morning at 9 AM ) is in stable but guarded condition. He is extremely critical and we need your prayers. His pressure number is 11 - which is good. The doctors tell me it's not a day to day - it's an hour to hour wait and see. This is the hardest part - waiting on God's timing to heal.

The outpouring of love and support has been overwhelming. Thank you to everyone for your calls, emails, cards, and visits. We love you so much and our hearts are overflowing.

Love, Debi


At 8:02 PM, Blogger JoeBruin88 said...


Maria and I just came home from church. We had learned about Ryan's accident earlier through Chevaun. She gave us the address of this blog and we have read about some of the details.

Please know that we know what you are going through. It sounds very very similar to my brother's situation. Ryan and your family are in our prayers.

Gerry and Maria


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