Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday, January 9

We're back from seeing Dr. Beamer in Orange County. He said Ryan's head looks good, but he wants to wait another couple weeks to allow for even more swelling to go down. He said that it is possible for the brain to swell again as a result of putting the skull back. This could mean a lot more hospital time - even possibly removing the flap again. He likes to see even less swelling before putting the flap back. The good news is that they'll re-attach it with titanium straps so it will be solid right away. Ryan will be in the hospital 2 to 3 days when they do re-attach his skull flap.

Ryan's pain level has been quite high. He had 3 hours of therapy last Friday, lunch at home, then a CT Scan in Rancho Bernardo at 1:30. He had taken some pain medication just before the CT Scan and just after completing the scan was sick to his stomach and lost his lunch and the medication. It was the first time since this all began that he has said his pain level was a 10 - he's always said it was a 7 or 8 before. I've never seen him in so much pain. He couldn't move. I thought about taking him to emergency, but he couldn't get in the car let alone ride. The radiologist put him on a gurney, gave him some pillows and a blanket and let him rest in a dark room. I didn't have more of his pain medication with me so I called some friends who were kind enough to drive his medication to us. He rested over 2 hours and finally was able to be wheeled in a wheelchair out to the car so we could get home.

We have new stronger pain medication now which seems to be working to some extent. Ryan did ok yesterday, but today was difficult with all the travel. The doctors like to start a new medication at a low level and bump it up when it is shown to be insufficient. Hopefully this new level will be the right combination.

He has so enjoyed having visitors. There have been a few occasions where he was not up to it, and we thank you for calling first and for your understanding when he has not been able to visit.

Thank you for your prayers, please keep them coming.
Eric, Debi, Lauren, Cameron, and Ryan


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