Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thursday, Dec. 8, 7:00pm

Hope the picture isn't too shocking. It's difficult to see your child in such a condition, and yet so many of you who have visited said it was comforting to see him - it didn't look as bad as imagined so I thought this picture might put some of you at ease.

Today was an excellent day. Ryan slowly, half opened his eyes, gave us a thumbs up and moved his legs when asked. His response time is slow and takes much effort but we are encouraged. His nurse put a pen in his hand to see if he could write us what he isn't able to say and he wasn't able to move his right hand. Hopefully that will come soon. His grandma visited and was joking with him saying "Ryan, I'm waiting for you to get out of here so you can come put my Christmas lights up". Ryan gave his grandma a big smile. What a great moment - to see him so sick and yet able to smile! Because he is still disoriented, they have to keep his wrists tied down. He could injure himself or pull a tube or the ventilator out. They have said he responds well when his family is here, so Lauren, Cameron, Eric and I try to be with him as much as possible. We are encouraged to see each baby step taken and they tell us each tiny step is monumental and will lead to a positive outcome. They say it takes a long long time for the brain to heal. We have prepared ourselves for that and will try to be here until we can bring him home.

So many of you have responded to this blog and visited and emailed and sent cards. Your love and generosity overwhelms us - we are so blessed to have you as friends.

Much much love,
Eric, Debi, Lauren, Cameron & ... Ryan!


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