Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sunday December 11, 2:30 pm

It's a great day!!! It's graduation day. They have weened Ryan off the sedatives, taken out the ventilator tube and had him eat a little. He is talking (quietly because of the tube having been down his throat) and says he's feeling "pretty good". We are so ecstatic! Ryan is confused about what has happened to him and takes bits and pieces from what we are saying to him and fabricating his own story about what happened. He said some guys at Disneyland did this to him and that's why he's here. He understands things for a short time and then needs it repeated - but that's ok - we're so relieved to hear his voice and have him back to the extent we have him. It will only get better from here. His movement is slow and he's had trouble touching things to his face - i.e., putting a spoon to his mouth, or touching his nose. We will have to help him eat and drink for a bit. His ability to feed himself will come with time.

We thank you so much for your prayers and your love and care. Ryan has no idea yet how well he is loved! We are so appreciative of everyone's support.

Much love,
The Lindroth's


At 5:16 PM, Blogger Irene said...

I'm so happy to hear that Ryan is doing better! We all have something to be so thankful for this holiday season. Thank you for sharing your wonderful news.



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