Saturday, December 17, 2005

Friday/Saturday - December 16,17

Ryan is doing very well in his new surroundings. He had evaluations by all three therapists: occupational, physical, and speech. His doctor and therapists gave us a game plan and anticipate that Ryan will be discharged to home in about a week!

We all appreciate your shared excitement in Ryan's progress and your understanding of his need to recover without much added confusion. We look forward to inviting you to visit and hope this will be very soon.

Ryan is less confused each day... and is becoming the humorous and intelligent Ryan we all know. He is coming back. Ryan claims he does not have a fun personality but we know better.

Do you remember the scene in It's a Wonderful Life where all the townspeople pray for George Bailey? The scene shows the angels in heaven hearing hundreds of prayers sent up on George's behalf. That's what we imagine happened for Ryan because of all of you. Your prayers saved our family. You helped bring God's healing hand and the angels to watch over Ryan. Thank you.

Eric, Debi, Lauren, Cameron... and RYAN


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