Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday Night, December 12 - 11:00pm

Hello everyone,
Sorry this is getting posted so late. It's been a full day.

Ryan has had a very busy day. He had speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy today. He tried to rest between each, but was not able to rest as well as he should. He ate a little lunch and a little dinner. He is having headaches and the Tylenol doesn't take care of it so they gave him half tablet of Vicadin which he didn't tolerate and threw-up. They've now given him a small shot of morphine which seems to have helped.

As far as his memory etc., he seems to remember things in the immediate past (last 10 minutes or so), but greater general knowledge he isn't doing as well with (i.e., what holiday do we celebrate in November when the family gets together and we eat turkey and lots of other good food) . He just couldn't quite come up with answers like these. The doctors say this will all come back with time. When he doesn't remember something, he comes up with whatever he can fabricate in his mind to fill in the blanks. Sometimes it's comical and we have a hard time not laughing. Other times we just listen and try to help him with the right information. He is quite talkative.

The nurse shoo'd us out of his room this afternoon so he'd take a nap and be ready for his therapy - so - we took a break and went to the movies. That was a hard thing to do without feeling guilty. I'm sorry if we missed anyone who came to see us this afternoon. The nurse says this schedule of therapy and naps with be the norm for the next several days. We are also told he may move up to the 4th floor tomorrow - but that's up to the docs.

We are feeling so much better and have much lighter hearts. What a miracle God has performed. We still have a long road ahead, but we are confident Ryan will be his ol' self again. If I haven't said it enough, thank you, thank you again and again for your prayers and support.
Much love,
Debi, Eric, Lauren, Cameron ... and RYAN


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