Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wednesday, December 14 - 10:30pm

The end of another long day...

We had a good day as far as therapy goes today. He had speech therapy first. She gave him some thought puzzles or concentration puzzles. He did ok on those. His occupational therapist had him get up out of bed, walk (with assistance) to the sink, brush his teeth and wash his face. Then she had him sit in a chair and gave him some warm cloths to clean his torso. After he dressed in a new hospital gown, she had him sit in the chair for 15 more minutes. He was not pleased about this at all and was difficult to keep in the chair. We did everything we could think of to distract him so he'd forget about wanting to get back to bed. Finally the 15 minutes were up and he was so happy. He took a short nap, then it was time for physical therapy. She had him walk outside his room and down almost to the nurses station and back. This was very good and he did fairly well, didn't have to lean on her too much.

It was a tough day because Ryan seems to be more confused today than ever. Very little of what he talks about makes sense. His mind is searching to fill in blanks and the filler is nonsense.

We're having a hard time getting him to eat. He's just not interested in food at all. We've brought him food from outside he won't touch, he refuses the hospital food and really is only interested in liquids. I've forced him to take bites, but it takes a lot of coaxing.

We know this process is a long one and we're thankful for every small step Ryan makes.

Because there are no beds available upstairs, Ryan remains in CCU. They are working with our insurance to determine where they will move him for Acute Rehab. Looks like that may happen as early as Friday.

We've said it before - we thank you all for your love, support, prayers and encouragement.
You are all our angels on earth.

Eric, Debi, Lauren, Cameron,...and Ryan


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